Come join the International Education Programs!


About the Blog:
  1. Do I have to be an IEP student to write a blog entry?
    Yes, you must be a current IEP student to write a blog entry.  If you are not an IEP student, but you are affiliated with IEP or UCR, and you want to write a blog entry, please contact us at  
  2. How do I submit a blog entry?
    To submit a blog entry, please e-mail your rough draft to  After reviewing your blog entry, we will post it on the UCR IEP Blog website!
  3. How do I write a blog entry?
    For more information about how to write a blog entry, please e-mail us at or visit us in Room 233.  We will send you writing prompts and other useful tools to help get you started on writing a blog entry.
  4. What do I write my entry about?
    Activities and experiences!  Write about how you felt as a first time IEP student, or write about your amazing trip to the Grand Canyon with your friends!  Please make your blog entries about one specific event or experience.
  5. How long does the entry have to be?
    Minimum: 250 words
    Maximum: 500 words
  6. Can I attach pictures to my blog entry?
    Yes!  Please attach pictures related to your IEP blog entry with your blog entry submission.