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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Movie Review

Check out this Movie Review of "Star Trek: Into Darkness," by Danah Alkurdi!

Star Trek: Into Darkness
By: Danah Alkurdi

           For 6 months I have been looking forward to watching “Star Trek: Into Darkness”. I am a huge “Star Trek” fan and I loved the last movie that came out. When it was finally released, I took my friends and went to the University Village Regency Theater on Sunday and watched it for only $5, which is the price for a movie there every Sunday.
“Star Trek” is an iconic franchise. So much so that there are dozens of conventions that are planned every year all over the world that caters specifically to Star Trek fans. When J.J. Abrams, Director and Producer of “Star Trek: Into Darkness”, took hold of the franchise, many people did not think that he would give it justice since he has admitted to not being a “Star Trek” fan.
            However, with the premier of this new blockbuster, all doubts of Abrams’ ability have been erased. This was an amazing movie that promised much in the buildup to the release and delivered everything it promised.
            The first 10 minutes of the movie started with all that one could want or hope in a “Star Trek” movie—an indigenous race, a Spock logic moment and the U.S.S Enterprise majestically lifting out of a sea and saving a world from an imminent volcano eruption.
            The movie does not only cater to the legions of Star Trek fans, but also to the fans of action and adventure. There are several nods to the Star Trek: Original Series where Captain Kirk and Commander Spock first debuted, but these events do not reduce the enjoyment for non-Trek fans. The plot twists, explosions and hardships that the crew of the U.S.S Enterprise go through are plenty and extremely thrilling. The movie also incorporates funny moments in the middle of the serious and tragic in a tactful and amusing way.
Even if this movie sported many good things that I like to see in a science-fiction/action-adventure movie, it also showed a few things that I am not a fan of. One of the staples of the Sci-Fi genre is the need to introduce a scantily dressed woman for a scene or two to cater to the genre’s male audience. “Star Trek: Into Darkness” incorporated this sci-fi must-do in the most flimsy of reasons; there was absolutely no need for it in the context of the events in which it happened.    
            One of the most memorable aspects of the movie was the main villain and the actor that gave the character his fire. Benedict Cumberbatch gives a bone chilling and passion filled performance as John Harrison, a Starfleet officer gone rogue who plans to destroy everything Starfleet and hurtles the U.S.S Enterprise’s crew into disaster.
            The script is intelligently written, layered and character driven. All of our favorite characters had their special moments and they shined within them. We saw the Chief Engineer Scotty with his jovial Scottish self, Science Officer Bones with his hilariously surly self, Lt. Uhura with her great intelligence and strong attitude, Lt. Sulu with his stoic self, and Ensign Chekov with his loyal and comedic self. The actors themselves gave their best performances in this film. Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto give new life and passion to the bromance of Kirk and Spock and play it well against the evil brilliance of Benedict Cumberbatch’s villain.
            The special effects of the movie left me breathless as I watched the U.S.S Enterprise go into warp, the enemy ship crash land from space into Starfleet Headquarters and the characters beaming in and out into the ship. It was worth watching this movie in IMAX and 3D to be regaled with the beauty and high definition that Abrams intended.
            My advice is to see this movie. I definitely enjoyed it and will most probably own it on DVD once it is released. I give “Star Trek: Into Darkness” a whole hearted A+.