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Thursday, May 23, 2013

America's Greatest Race Tour of California Bike Race

Hi folks!

My name is Paula Rey and I am from Spain. I started my experience in the United States in the IEP last summer, then I continued with journalism, my major, in the main campus, and now I am working in a newspaper close to Riverside. My position is called “Multimedia Journalist” and actually that means that I can do a lot of things. I am in charge of the multimedia department and I am covering every event that I want and I have time to go. My purpose is create shorts videos about 4 or 5 minutes and then upload them on the website in the same page with the official reports and pictures, so everybody can read the news and then have a little bit more of information about the event or the project.

I am making videos for every event in the area that the newspaper cover, so I am also going to sport races and some baseball matches. Last week the America’s Greatest Race Tour of California was during the second stage between Murrieta and Palm Springs, I had to cover that event and I really want to tell you guys my experience, cause was something amazing!

The day started around 9 in Murrieta Valley. In the start line there were a lot of booths where people could buy some cycling t-shirts and some marketing stuff. At ten o’clock a band started to play the anthem of America and ten minutes later all the riders were beginning a long and warm stage.

Then I took my car and I drove to Palm Springs, I left my car in the parking lot of a shopping center and I took a shuttle that dropped me off close the finish line. When I arrived I went to the media workroom, you should have seen that room, everybody was working, writing and editing their videos to send them at the moment to the most important channels and newspaper in south California. I know that is kind of hard to understand but actually for me it was such a good feeling. We were waiting till the cyclists reached the finish line, and this took around three four hours. When they arrive all the journalists ran to the line and we were trying to take the best place in order to get a perfect frame for ours pictures and videos. When all the riders had arrive the time for the interviews started, in a conference room into the aerial tramway building that is in the top of the mountain.

And that is all that I can tell you guys in this short post. I also made a video for my newspaper that I am sharing with you in the following link:
I hope you like it!! J