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Friday, May 3, 2013

Cosplay Club Fun!

     I came to America 3 years ago to start my college education and I have never regretted my decision. I have had the opportunity to do many things that I would have never had the opportunity to do in my home country of Saudi Arabia.
     Studying Environmental Engineering is tough and requires dedication and commitment. I could not have succeeded so far in my major without the hard work and long hours that I have put in for it. When I am done with schoolwork, I have the best of times going out with my roommates and closest friends. There is always exciting things going on all over Southern California, so me and my friends usually go to them.
     I am involved in many clubs on campus and one of them is “Cosplay Brigade”, which is a club that is interested in dressing up in fictional characters. I am a passionate fan of many TV shows and books and so the club is the perfect place to meet people who share my interests. The club holds many activities on campus and around Riverside throughout the year and I go to many of them. My favorite event was “Cosplay Brigade at Round 1”. Round 1 is a new Arcade in Moreno Valley, which is 10 minutes away by driving, which includes Karaoke, Bowling, Games and Claw Machines. Most of the members of the club, including me, love spending our time doing this sort of thing and having this as a club event was amazing. We had lots of fun together playing shooting games, winning tickets and singing karaoke songs. 
     I am always grateful that I have this opportunity to do this sort of thing here in the US. Every day is an adventure for me, even when doing the same things that I usually do. Also, it is not just the place that makes my experience enjoyable; it’s the people as well. I have surrounded myself with people that make it worth travelling 30,000 miles to study here.